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Benefits of a Humidifier in an HVAC System


HVAC experts recommend whole-house humidifiers to best improve the internal air quality.

family-roomA humidifier is an appliance that adds moisture to the air in the form of water vapors. There are various types of humidifiers available in the market. From stand alone humidifiers for a single room to whole-house humidifiers you have enough choice to meet your needs.   A whole-house humidifier is attached to the home’s HVAC system. It connects directly with the water supply of the house and produces steam humidification. This steam travels through the duct work of the HVAC system and humidifies air in the entire house.

Assessing the Need for a Whole-House Humidifier

Most modern HVAC systems come equipped with a humidifier. If you do not have one in your HVAC system, you should call on a HVAC company to have it installed, because no matter how sophisticated your HVAC system is, it would never be able to provide you with perfect air quality unless it has a humidifier installed with it.  If you are feeling cold in spite of your heating system working at its full capacity, or if you suffer from an irritated nose quite often, then there are chances that the air inside your house is too dry, and you need a humidifier.

Dry air can cause many problems. It cannot only damage your health and comfort, but also play havoc with your furniture, flooring, wall paint, and other property. Here are some benefits that you can achieve by installing a humidifier in your HVAC system:

Health Benefits

Dry air causes discomfort and several respiratory problems. You may find it hard to breathe in dry winter air and the nose tends to remain dry and irritated. Patients of asthma become particularly troubled in dry air. Not only this, dry air also causes skin irritation, skin dryness, and chapped lips. Dry air also makes the membranes thinner causing nose bleeds. A humidifier can help improve the air quality and relieve all the discomfort and prevent health problems caused by dry air.

Energy Savings

Dry air makes you feel colder, but on the other hand,  moist air makes you feel warmer even at the same temperature. The humidifier increases the moisture in the air and so you feel less cold. So, if you feel cold even when the heating system is on, it means you need a humidifier in your HVAC system. This helps take some load off the heating system, and saves energy. This translates into lower power bills.

Other Benefits

Dry air not only poses health threats, but also causes the flooring and furniture to crack and become brittle. It may also cause the furniture finish and paint to peel. A humidifier can make the air moist and prolong the life of your property.   If you plan to get a humidifier installed in your HVAC system, or you need to carry out routine maintenance on your humidifier and HVAC system, you can get in touch with Engineered Solutions at (314) 394-0802.

Photo credit: Debbie Kirkland Realtor via Flickr

Read more: Should I Buy a Humidifier or a Dehumidifier For My Home?