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Is Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer?


Call (314) 471-7625 :: Make sure your air conditioner is ready to keep you cool during the hot summer days ahead!

It is always best to prepare your air conditioner in advance. This way, you can not only keep your family comfortable, you can keep your energy bills down and make sure your home is safe for your family. Here are a few tips on how to prepare your AC for the hot summer days ahead.

hot summer in st. louis

1. Change the Filter

The AC filter protects the AC from particles like dust and pollen that can damage the components inside it. If the filter is clogged with these particles, the air won’t circulate, and ice may form around it. Because of that, the AC may need to consume more power than usual.

You should definitely change the filter now. In fact, you may even consider changing more regularlly during the summertime, particularly if you use it a lot.

2. Clean the Drain

We’re talking here about the pipe near the outdoor unit of the AC which removes the excess water to make sure the equipment is working properly. But where there’s water, there’s also moisture, which can form mold that clogs the pipes. And when that happens, the water can flow inside the house and cause more damage.

Consider removing the end of the drain to clean it and use a vacuum to clear any elements inside. Replace the end of the drain when you’re done.

3. Test It

After you’re done cleaning what needs to be cleaned, let your AC dry for a bit, then turn it on to test it. Any strange noises or red flags will generally mean there’s something wrong with your equipment, and it’s unlikely cleaning will solve it. Consider calling a professional in if something seems out of place.

4. Schedule an Annual Checkup

Like a lot of other equipment in your home, ACs aren’t made to last forever. However, if you want to make sure you make the most out of it, you should consider having a professional look at it once a year to see if there anything out of the ordinary.

Sometimes, even something as small as changing one piece of the AC can prolong its lifespan, and it can be a lot cheaper than having to buy a new one.

Is Your AC Ready?

Don’t put off checking on your AC for too long. As a device that has a great say in the quality of the air you and your family breathes, it’s important to stay on top of things and ensure everything is working as it should.

Give Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating a call today at (314) 471-7625!