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HVAC Maintenance: 4 Spring Cleaning Musts for Your AC Unit


Make regularly scheduled maintenance checks a priority for your air conditioning system.

Springtime is the ideal time to have your air conditioning system checked. An unchecked AC unit can cost you money in energy waste and expensive repairs that could have been prevented. In addition, poor maintenance is the main cause of unhealthy indoor air. This can lead to respiratory problems, coughing, worsened allergy symptoms and a stuffy nose.

Getting an HVAC system with a built-in humidifier or air purifier is a great idea, but if you can’t upgrade your unit, the most important thing you can do is to keep it well-maintained by having regular maintenance checks performed.

The HVAC Maintenance Checklist

  • Blades on the Condenser Ventilator Need to Be Cleaned – The condenser is the unit that stays outside of your house. It contains coolant, which lowers the temperature of the indoor air while it travels through it before heading back in. Your condenser has a large ventilator that redirects the air and it’s one of the main things that need cleaning during routine maintenance work.
  • Replace Dirty Filters on the Indoor Unit – Air filters are the most obvious items on the check list. Dirty or damaged filters constrict the flow of air entering your home. By having them checked and replaced as needed you are ensuring that your family is kept comfortable as well as safe from some air pollutants. It is a good idea to keep a note near to the filter and date whenever they need to be replaced. Filters that do not last for a certain amount of time may be an indicator of a bigger problem with your system.
  • Inspection of the Duct Work – A quick assessment of your duct work will also be performed. In most homes, the majority of duct work is hidden from view. Expect your HVAC expert to ask you some questions about the comfort levels in your house. He will specifically be curious about any hot or cold spots or rooms that consistently do not match the temperature of the rest of the house.
  • Calibration of the System – The HVAC technician will calibrate your system. They will want to check that the output matches the temperature settings. If a discrepancy is noted, they will perform further checks to identify and remedy the cause of the problem. This will include an assessment of the electrical wiring. All of the connections should be tight and the technician should read the voltage to make sure that the output is sufficient for the unit. All the thermostats inside your house will also be checked at this point to see if they are reading the room temperature accurately. This is a good time to ask any questions you may have about using the settings to cut down on energy use.

Call Engineered Solutions Heating and Cooling Today

Engineered Solutions provides the highest quality St. Louis heating and air conditioning design build, replacement, and HVAC maintenance services with a commitment to energy efficient HVAC solutions that save money without forgoing comfort.

Call us today at (314) 394-0802 or fill out our contact form to schedule a maintenance visit for your AC unit.