How to Know When Your Furnace Needs to be Replaced

The last thing you would want on a chilly winter night is your heating system breaking down.

maintenance-checklistRemember, every mechanical system including your HVAC system needs a replacement after a certain amount of time. The important thing is that you replace equipment such as the furnace before it actually starts to give you trouble and leaves you frozen in the middle of winter.

You must watch out for some warning signs, which may signal that the furnace is probably going through the last stage of its life and needs to be replaced. Here are some signs that should never ignore:

Signs That Should Never Be Ignored

The furnace is already old: HVAC experts agree that a furnace can serve you for a maximum of up to fifteen years. If your furnace has already lived past this age, then you should consider buying a new one.

Frequent breakdowns: If your furnace has been giving you frequent troubles, and you have had to get it repaired more than once in the last couple of years, then it is a sign that it needs replacement.

Surging energy bills: As furnaces get older, they have to work harder to generate the same amount of heat. They consume more energy, which shows up in increasing energy bills. Rather than paying large power bills every month, it is better to invest in a new furnace.

Noise: Has your furnace been bothering you with strange noises lately? If the blower has been running harder, and you hear rattling, banging, and squealing sounds, then there are chances that your furnace is going to ditch you sometime soon.

Temperature differences: Have you ever felt that some rooms in your house are warmer than others? You would have to adjust your thermostat more frequently if the furnace is unable to circulate the heat well. This, of course, is a bad omen.

Excessive carbon monoxide: There are several signs that your furnace is giving out more carbon monoxide than it should. Yellow burner flame, presence of soot, leakages, or excessive moisture means that it’s time to call up the HVAC Company.

Inside air quality: Your furnace might be responsible for the poor air quality inside your house. Do you find too much dust in your house? Have you been getting allergies or static shocks? It all means you would need to get your furnace checked.

Health signs: Excessive carbon monoxide may cause several respiratory problems including headache, runny/stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, and other such symptoms. If you experience any of them, ask your HVAC Company to check if the furnace is the culprit and requires replacement.

If you have been noticing any of the aforementioned signs in your heating system’s furnace, you should get in touch with Engineered Solutions at (314) 394-0802 to discuss your replacement plans. We will evaluate the entire HVAC system and recommend a furnace that will best fit into your system.